General Application Section I : PersonalFirst NameMiddle NameLast NameEmail AddressPhoneAddressCityStateZip CodeCountryDrive License (file upload)Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileSection II : ITSMPositionSelectTrainee pay tuitionInternship US unpaidInternship US paidEmploymentContractorVolunteerAccept any opportunityNONEProgram TermsSelect1 month2 months3 months6 months12 monthsOver 1 yearAccept any opportunityNONELet us know, your available days & hours schedule for work?IT Supporter & Business ApplicationsSelectMS 365 AdminSharePointPower PlatformPower AppsPower AutomatePower BITier 1. IT SupporterTier 2. IT ManagementTier 3. Cloud ArchitectureAccept any opportunityNONEPhysical SecuritySelectCCTVBurglar AlarmAccess ControlMetal DetectorTier 1 Installer/SpecialistTier 2 ManagerTier 3 Security ArchitectureAccept any opportunityNONELow voltageSelectStructured Network cablingAudio, VideoVoiP Phone systemTire 1. InstallerTier 2. SpecialistTier 3. ManagerAccept any opportunityNONEDescribe Why apply ?Self Introduction (file upload)Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileSelf-introduction video (file upload)Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileWrite a video explaining self-introduction and the motivation for applying position in English within 2 minutes.Section III : ReferralReferrer: Full NameReferrer: Email AddressReferrer: PhoneWhat is your relationship with the referrerReference letter (file upload)Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileSubmit Application